
See why the concept

of Studio Figura

is unique for a franchisee!

We have created an EXCEPTIONAL franchise that is simple and clear and gives independence in action to our Partners.

Treatment-training-diet programs are adapted to each client individually – each franchisee gets ready sets of packages for specific purposes

permanent advertisement for a franchisee in a professional quarterly
40 pages of articles about the effects, treatments, Studio Figura opinions
advertisement for an open studio

dedicated, unique SF platform (description below under SF platform)
remote studio management

a unique line of supplements and cosmetics produced especially for Studio Figura and available only in licensed studios of Studio Figura
There is a fixed pricing policy on the cosmetics and supplements market

No need to employ 1 person for 1 position
The optimal solution is 3 employees at 10 workplaces (positions)
we don’t create unnecessary jobs

the ability to check the profitability of the system
about 10% of our owners open 2 studios. Some of them open even 3 and 4!

own device factory
guarantee of the highest quality devices
warranty and after warranty assistance

We have created a friendly form of cooperation
you earn and do not share profits with us !

low franchise fee for very extensive support (see below under Support for a franchisee)

patents on devices
the possibility of promoting a given studio based on the uniqueness of the product

the opportunity to exchange experiences between the owners at cyclical training meetings of Studio Figura ( Studio Figura Academy)

We invite you to

our facebook

where you can follow how Studio Figura’s offices work in USA